
HAWE is involved in developmental Programs in the areas of: –

Health Program

  • SRH
  • STI
  • Maternity and child health
  • WASH (in addition Menstruation Hygiene management technical training and production)


Education Program  

  • Library service 
  • Scholastic material
  • Formal and informal education
  • School improvement 


Livelihood Development Program

  • Food and nutrition
  • Foster care of children 
  • Rehabilitation and reintegration of hard-to-reach community groups. 
  • Emergency and disaster risk reduction 
  • Youth employment 


Women Empowerment Program 

  • Gender-based violence/GBV/ 
  • Adolescent girl’s empowerment
  • Income-generating activity projects


Human Right and Peace Building Programs

  • Protection and promotion of human rights 
  • Peace building, 
  • Conflict resolution 
  • Promoting Democracy 
  • Advocacy and lobbying 
  • Civic and Voter education 

Executive Director

Mr.Alehubel Alemaw Bizuneh
Founder & Executive Director of HAWE
Mobile: +251 930 46 46 46
Addis Ababa-Ethiopia

Head Office Location

Bole sub city, Woreda 03
In front of Bole medahenealem church
Milkomi Building 2nd floor H.No.207
Office Phone: +251 118 211 621
Mobile: +251 978 101 111
+251 978 030 000
Addis Ababa - Ethiopia

Branch Location

Amhara National regional state
Tana sub-city Ras Ageze kebele
House No.A407
Office Phone ;+251 582 20 51 55
Mobile: +251 918 71 23 23
Bihirdar|Amhara Regional State | Ethiopia

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